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⏲️ Get started in 1 minute
No account or payment required. Run the following three commands in your terminal and begin working on your new project right away.
1 Install Nokkio CLI
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
2 Create a project
nokkio create
3 Start the dev server
cd my-first-project && nokkio dev
4 Continue learning in the docs
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Nokkio is free to use while you build and test your projects in development. When it's time to deploy your project to production, we have plans that grow with you.
1 contributor
1 active project for 30 days
1 secret per project
300 build minutes
100MB storage
1GB bandwidth
250,000 requests

No card required. Trial accounts remain active for 30 days or until any of the quotas for build minutes, storage, bandwidth, or requests are met or exceeded.

1 contributor
5 active projects
10 secrets per project
1,000 build minutes
per month, then $0.01/minute
1GB storage
then $0.25/GB per month
10GB bandwidth
per month, then $0.10/GB
1,000,000 requests
per month, then $0.50/million
Coming Soon
5 contributors
Unlimited projects
50 secrets per project
5,000 build minutes
per month, then $0.01/minute
20GB storage
then $0.25/GB per month
100GB bandwidth
per month, then $0.10/GB
10,000,000 requests
per month, then $0.50/million