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Bring your own domain

Use a custom domain to serve your Nokkio project

By default, your Nokkio projects will be served from a subdomain. Paid plans allow you to connect your own domains. Here's what you will need:

  • A paid Nokkio plan. For a limited time, Solo plans can connect up to 5 domains at no extra charge.
  • A registered domain that you control. You will need access to the DNS settings for the domain in order to connect it to your project.
Bring your own domain is currently in beta. Please reach out to if you encounter any issues.

Adding the domain

To start the process of adding a domain, sign in to your Nokkio account at, then visit the domains management page in the dashboard. Enter the domain, then click the "Begin domain setup".

DNS setup

On the next screen, the required DNS records will be listed. It is important that you add all listed DNS records in order for your domain to work correctly. There are two types of records:

  • Verification records: These records act as a security measure and assert that you have control over the domain. These records are CNAMEs from to [random-value]
  • Routing records: This is the record that ensures that traffic to your domain is properly sent to Depending on the domain type, this will be a CNAME and/or an A record or ALIAS record for bare domains.

Subdomains vs. "Bare" domains

The number of DNS records will depend on what type of domain you wish to use. If you wish to point a subdomain of your domain (e.g., you will need one verification record and one routing record. If you wish to use a "bare domain" (e.g., 4 records will be required: 2 verification and 2 routing. This ensures that both and work properly.

Waiting for DNS propagation

Once you have created all the required DNS records, click "Continue" at the bottom of the screen. Nokkio will begin periodically checking for the DNS records for correctness and to ensure they have propagated worldwide. Once complete, Nokkio issues an SSL certificate for the domain and the domain will be listed as "Connected" in your Nokkio dashboard. Depending on your DNS provider, this can take as little as 1 hour or up to 24 hours.

Using your domain

When the domain is successfully connected, it is ready to be used for one of your Nokkio projects. Visit the domains page in the Nokkio dashboard, then click the Manage button next to the domain. On the next page, select the project you want to use the domain for and click "Update".

That's it! Your domain will now route to your project directly, and any requests to the former subdomain will automatically redirect.