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The root document

Managing your application's HTML shell

Nokkio begins rendering your application on the server, taking advantage of React 18's streaming SSR capabilities. Each Nokkio application defines a pages/_document.js file that controls how the HTML shell is constructed during that initial render.

The default root document looks something like this:

import { Html, Head, Body } from '@nokkio/doc';

export default function Doc({ children }) {
  return (
      <Head />
        <div id="main">{children}</div>

At minimum, the root document must use the Html, Head, and Body components provided by @nokkio/doc, and must define an element with id="main" where the Nokkio application will be rendered.

Use cases

Loading a custom font

The root document is an ideal location to load a custom font that you use across your application. The following example loads Roboto from Google Fonts:

import { Html, Head, Body } from "@nokkio/doc";

export default function Doc({ children }) {
  return (
        <div id="main">{children}</div>

Setting default metadata

The root document can also be used to set default meta tags for your application. This example sets a default title and description for the application, which will be used when the current page module does not define a title or description in its getPageMetadata function:

import { Html, Head, Body } from '@nokkio/doc';

export default function Doc({ children }) {
  return (
        <title>My nokkio app</title>
        <meta name="description" content="Welcome to my app" />
        <div id="main">{children}</div>

For more on overriding this metadata at the page level, see the Page Module API.